Monday, 8 July 2013


Are teenagers not doing as well in school due to social networking sites?

How are teenagers being negatively portrayed?

Is the teenager suicide rate increasing due to social networking sites?

The way women are presented in music videos/media (Online, music videos, magazines)

How does the media represent Muslims? (Online, newspapers)


The way women are presented in music videos/media
One reason for choosing this text is because women are presented in many ways on different platforms, such as online, in music videos. They are wearing lesser clothes in music videos and shows them to be less powerful than men. This is impacting young women to be skinny and have plastic surgery. This is a very powerful issue, as women are spending more time wanting to look good than anything else. 

The video above is a music video of girl band Pussy Cat Dolls, who are wearing skimpy clothes and are shown are 'sexy'. When women see these videos they want to be as skinny as the people in the videos.
The website above is of Beyonce, a very sexy popular celebrity. Seeing her website and seeing how beautiful she is, 
may encourage people to get plastic surgery to look like her.

The link above shows that women have been against violence and pornography  as women are being portrayed as sex objects.

How are teenagers being negatively portrayed?
I think that teenagers are being presented negatively in the media. There is always a issue with teenagers in the media, for example black people have been stereotyped as being the 'hoodrats'. 

The video above is about how different teenagers are stereotyped by the media and society. Depending on their race, colour they are stereotyped based on a small minority of peoples actions.

The link above shows what teenagers thought about the London Riots and how they felt after it happened. Some people were stereotyped because of the people that took part in the London Riots. 

This article shows the many issues that are bought up in the media. There are many issues that teenagers have to deal with, such as obesity, stereotyped ect. The media and teen relationships is very powerful, as the media decide on how to present teenagers to the world.

How does the media present Muslims?
I chose this topic due to the fact that I am interested to know why Muslims are presented in such a bad way. It affects Muslims personally, as their people and religion is being tarnished.
This is a Wikipedia page which is about Islamophia, which means that there is hatred towards or irrational fears towards Muslims. This page shows how they are presented.

This YouTube video shows the issues that are bought up about Muslims in the media. Everything they do is criticized. The word 'Muslim' is always bought up when there is a so called terrorist attack. The media always bring race into it, however when it is other races' they aren't mentioned. 

This article says that the negative portrayals of Muslims get more attention. Since 9/11 Muslims have been bad mouthed in the media and it hasn't stopped. Controversies about the faith have regularly risen since 2001

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